Richard Bryants Podcast
27. November 2018Patented invention in props design technology
28. November 2018
„The Designs of William Ivey Long by Bobbi Owen is the twelfth book in USITT’s series documenting the creativity of America’s most outstanding theatrical designers. The monograph chronicles William Ivey Long’s career from its earliest days and contains a chronology of his nearly 350 production credits — and his six Tony Awards. More than 100 illustrations are included, among them renderings of Long’s exquisite costume designs and photographs from some of his award-winning productions. The appendices contain his numerous awards and honors and the many exhibitions where his designs and costumes have been displayed. Bobbi Owen is the Michael R. McVaugh Distinguished Professor of Dramatic Art at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The book was published in March 2018 by USITT in cooperation with Broadway Press.“